Our primary purpose is to provide a sponsor to work the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous to those people who are incarcerated in an institution, and are not able to meet potential sponsors at local N.A. meetings. Our interactions will only be via mail, not by telephone or visitation. Our mission is to ensure that any addict seeking recovery through a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous, has the opportunity to do so even in an institution.
There are many addicts seeking recovery that are looking for sponsors. Since they are unable to attend meetings on the outside this program is a vital tool in helping to bring the message of Narcotics Anonymous to those individuals.
Our services are restricted to the following geographical regions based upon our abilities to provide these services effectively. If you are seeking assistance outside of these areas please feel free to contact NA World Services at (818) 773-9999 to get more information on similar services in your locale.
“Currently serving any long term confinement (2 or more years), Male and Female, State Institutions within the general boundaries of Kern County, San Luis Obispo County, Santa Barbara County and Ventura County.”
Information that Serves the Prison or Institutional Community
This includes prison staff, inmates or patients (includes family members requesting for them), professionals, and institutions.
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor
Or simply learning more, this is for those willing to be of service to inmates who cannot get to a meeting, yet want the NA message and need a sponsor, or believe they are qualified to enter and speak in prisons.
All information is confidential.
P.O. Box 1206
Ventura, CA 93002
EMAIL: admin@ccrna.net